
As an ongoing project since 2022, “Umwelt” is based on the news of man-made disasters in the Turkish media. In the anthropocentric written/visual language of these news reports, it searches for trees, stones, animals, plants, grasses, mountains, insects whose testimonies are ignored. Each of the archive images created since 2022 is brought together with the sensitivity of Jacob Von Uexküll’s Umwelt* (Environment, Outer World) to create a new environment and reveals our practices of living with non-human species visible in the news collected from various cities in Turkey.

Based on the current historical situation, the project envisions a future and considers the possibilities of media, politics and ethics in a collective, ecological life that includes non-human species. In imagining a future, the project is based on Rosi Braidotti’s idea of post-humanism. Accordingly, it aims to bring a proposal to the ecological crisis by transcending gender, race, class, species rights and inequality. In this sense, it excludes the masculine mind, which humanism puts at the center, and dichotomies such as the nature-culture divide, which is an important step in today’s ecological crisis, such as animate-inanimate, subject-object.

Seniha Ünay, “Umwelt”, ink and oil on paper, images in various sizes selected from news reports, 2022-ongoing